Assalamualaikum, hello guys, My name is Eris Dwi Septiawan Rizal, you can call me Eris. I
was born in Bondowoso, 2 September 1997. I live at Trunojoyo Street no 8 – 9,
Lombok Kulon, Kec. Wonosari, Kab. Bondowoso. I have a young sister, her name is Auryn Devi
Sagita, I call her Auryn. My religius is Islam. my hobbies are photograph, design graphic, travelling,
playing game, etc. My favorite foods are Tape, Fried
Rice, Cripsy Chicken, Rujak Cingur, and favorite drinks are Ice Tea,
Cappucino, Coffe Arabica, Juice, etc.
My history school :
At 2002 – 2004 in TK Nurul Jadid Lombok Kulon, then 2004 –
2010 in SDN Lombok Kulon 3, then continues to SMPN 2 Tenggarang on 2010. I was
graduated from SMPN 2 Tenggarang at 2013. And then next to SMKN 1 Bondowoso. At
SMKN 1 Bondowoso I will study about computer science, so I take study program
Software Engineering. In this study program, i was learning basic of
programming, basic of design, hardware, etc. So i like about of tecnology
information, i be happy and enjoy at study about computer science.
In 2016, I was graduated from SMKN 1 Bondowoso, I have a planning
to continue my study in university. Now,
I was choose university in Malang, in Universitas Negeri Malang, in
Faculty Engineering, i take study program Informatics Engineering. Now, I will
be diligent to study about tecnology information. My address in Malang in
Jombang Street No. 20, Malang.
Thanks for your attention, wassalamualaikum.
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