Ethics Using E-mail

Assalamualaikum, Hello guys, you know e-mail? E-mail (Electronic mail) is a part of internet, e-mail is a one of many facility in internet. So, I will talk about ethic using e-mail, how to use e-mail is correct. The following tips :
1. E-mail statement as privacy
If someone sent information or idea as privacy, should not we sent it to general forum, as mailing list. E-mail basically is a communication privacy.
2 Don’t talkiing about other people
Be careful with what you write, e-mail have a “forward” facility, this facility allow receiver to fordwarding to other people.
3. Don’t use capital letters
As we reading a newspaper or e-mail, use capital letters is not good to view. And use capital letters is considered shouting.
4. Don’t too much quote
Be careful to do reply. Facilty reply from most mailer program usually will quote the original message you received automatically into content of your letter. if you must quote the message everyone from e-mail, delete unnecessary words.
5. Don’t use CC (Copy Carbon) on E-mail
If you do that , all people who receive your e-mail , will be able to see the addresses of e-mail other people. Generally people do not like it when their e-mail addresses exposed in public. Always use the BCC (blind carbon copy) . In this way each person can only view their own e-mail address.
6. Don’t use HTML format
If you sending a message important to your colleagues, don’t use the format HTML without you sure that the e-mails colleagues you can understand your HTML. If not, your message will not read.
7. Answered logically
Don’t answer any questions in one answer. Replied message at length, and you replied in one said “good”. This very annoying.

Thanks for your attention. Wassalamualaikum

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